I'm studying a way to use ArcGIS Pro SDK 3.0 to create an add-in that must have access to LAS Dataset points for an analysis. This add-in will have to extract points inside polygons and then calculate the median of altitude of these points.
I didn't find any documentation related to it. Are there any classes in the Pro SDK similar to ILasPointCloud interface existing in ArcObjects SDK (ESRI.ArcGIS.GeoDatabaseExtensions namespace)?
LAS is represented in Pro with PointCloudSceneLayer
There is additional information here: https://github.com/esri/arcgis-pro-sdk/wiki/ProConcepts-Scene-Layers
Hi Charles,
I saw this class but I didn't find a way to retrieve LAS points inside a polygon, just like ILasPointCloud.GetLasPoints had.
With PointCloudSceneLayer I can just filter the points.
Best regards.