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Query Image Service Layer Tile Details

08-20-2021 08:31 AM
New Contributor

As background I'm working with the historical USA Topo maps, which are time-based. When I use the UI to Identify a location on the map (via the Explore tool), it returns details on each topo image tile with details about that particular topo sheet: Acquisition date, topo name, etc. Basically it acts like it's returning a feature for each sheet along with attributes of that feature.

I'm wanting to get the same information in ArcGIS Pro SDK - given a spatial location, query the ImageServiceLayer to get details on the topo sheets at that location. ImageServiceLayer does not have a Search method. I tried using MapView.GetFeaturesEx but it doesn't return the tile information. It does show up when I query a location using the Explore tool in the UI - I just need to get the same information programatically. I also tried MapView.SelectFeaturesEx - it highlights those map tiles, however when I retrieve the selected items the tiles aren't returned.

Using Fiddler I see that when MapView.GetFeaturesEx is called, the web request goes out and tile data is returned, however those details are not returned from the function call to the application.

Any help would be appreciated.

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