The ArcGIS Pro Append GP tool has an option to preserve GlobalID values - which seems quite useful. Am wondering if this is available somewhere in the SDK?
Any pointers would be much appreciated.
Hi Ed,
There is a global Preserve Global ID values that applies to geoprocessing and Python, but nothing like that in the C# SDK.
Which methods in the SDK do you wish would preserve global ids but do not currently?
Hey Rich -
I was hoping to be able to create UN features in an edit operation and be
able to assign a global ID value from a source feature. Reason being would
be that this could preserve global ID values set in a staging database that
were used for building associations. Without this I'm thinking I would
need to build staging database associations and then post-process to update
from/to global ID values in the associations.
As below. (And as always, I may be missing something)
await QueuedTask.Run(() =>
var createOperation = new EditOperation();
createOperation.Name = "Load features";
createOperation.SelectNewfeatures = false;
var atts = new Dictionary<string, object>();
atts.Add("SHAPE", myShape);
atts.Add("GlobalID", myGlobalID);
createOperation.Create(myfeatureLayer, atts);
return createOperation.Execute();
You definitely cannot specify a global ID when creating a new feature.
One possible idea would be to copy the source table using Append (which preserves IDs) and then make your edits to that new table.
Well yes. I presume that Append uses the Python API. Was just wondering
if a similar thing was present in the .NET API. Apparently not.
Thanks for the info!