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Obtain the route feature class from a route event layers

07-22-2021 11:50 PM
Occasional Contributor

I'm using route event layers in ArcGIS Pro 2.8. I have to catch the underlying route feature class polygon of a route event. But I can't get the route feature class. My code looks like this:

public async void  Test(Geometry  Point)
            FeatureClass RouteFeatureClass;
            SpatialQueryFilter spatialFilter;
            Polyline RouteFeaturePolyline;

            foreach (Layer Layer in MapView.Active.Map.GetLayersAsFlattenedList())
                if (await EditEventsToolModule.IsRouteEventLayer(Layer))
                    //Get the underlying RouteFeatureClass (not the event table)
                    RouteFeatureClass = ???;

                    spatialFilter = new SpatialQueryFilter
                        FilterGeometry = Point,
                        SpatialRelationship = SpatialRelationship.Intersects,

                    using (RowCursor rowCursor = RouteFeatureClass.Search(spatialFilter, false))
                        while (rowCursor.MoveNext())
                            using (Feature feature = rowCursor.Current as Feature)
                                RouteFeaturePolyline = feature.GetShape() as Polyline;
                                //do something with the polyline

        public static async Task<Boolean> IsRouteEventLayer(Layer Layer)
            return await QueuedTask.Run(() =>
                Boolean IsRouteEventLayer = false;
                CIMDataConnection CIMDatacionnection = Layer.GetDataConnection();
                if (CIMDatacionnection != null)
                    if (CIMDatacionnection.GetType().Equals(typeof(CIMRouteEventDataConnection)))
                        IsRouteEventLayer = true;
                return IsRouteEventLayer;
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2 Replies
Occasional Contributor

I am not sure about a route feature class polygon.  Did you mean polyline?

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Occasional Contributor

Yes, of course. I mean polyline not polygon. 

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