I created a map-tool which splits a line. If the user has not selected anything and the tool is active, I want the tool to act as a selection tool and after the selection has been made, the tool should revert to a split line tool. This is what I have so far. The await ActivateSelectAsync does not return a value. I tried to set it to a result but I kept getting compile errors.
I thought about adding a timer before calling StartSketchAsync?
Do you have any ideas on how I might get this to work.
protected override async Task OnToolActivateAsync(bool hasMapViewChanged)
if (_attributeVM == null)
_attributeVM = this.EmbeddableControl as SplitParcelViewModel;
if (MapView.Active.Map.SelectionCount == 0)
IsSketchTool = false;
_attributeVM.Norecords = System.Windows.Visibility.Visible;
_attributeVM.typeofmessage = ArcGIS.Desktop.Internal.Framework.Controls.MessageType.Error;
_attributeVM.Changetext = "Nothing selected: Please select a segment to split";
await ActivateSelectAsync(true);
//need to wait for user to select something.
//MessageBox.Show("Please Select a line");
//This happens immediately. I need to ensure that the user has selected something before proceeding.
if (UseSelection == true)
IsSketchTool = true;
//MessageBox.Show("Something selected");
await StartSketchAsync();
//return Task.FromResult(true);
MessageBox.Show("Nothing selected");
//return Task.FromResult(false);
IsSketchTool = true;
_attributeVM.Norecords = System.Windows.Visibility.Collapsed;
//return Task.FromResult(true);
Normally UseSelection = true in the tools constructor is all you need to make this happen. If there's no selection, the framework would hijack your tool and turn it into a rectangle selection tool until something is selected but unfortunately this is bugged.
The manual way would be something like:
internal class tss : MapTool
public tss()
IsSketchTool = true;
SketchType = SketchGeometryType.Line;
SketchOutputMode = SketchOutputMode.Map;
//UseSelection = true; This doesnt work
protected override Task OnToolActivateAsync(bool active)
return base.OnToolActivateAsync(active);
protected override Task<bool> OnSketchCompleteAsync(Geometry geometry)
//if there is no selection then select features with a rectangle
//else do something with the sketch
if (MapView.Active.Map.SelectionCount == 0)
QueuedTask.Run(() =>
//select features with geom
//split with geometry
return base.OnSketchCompleteAsync(geometry);
protected override Task OnSelectionChangedAsync(MapSelectionChangedEventArgs arg)
//note this is a hidden override method on MapTool
return base.OnSelectionChangedAsync(arg);
private void SetSketchType()
//set the sketch type based on selection count
if (MapView.Active.Map.SelectionCount == 0)
SketchType = SketchGeometryType.Rectangle;
SketchType = SketchGeometryType.Line;