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Is there a way to view all active conditions and states?

03-14-2019 11:02 AM
New Contributor III

I found a community sample called ConditionQuery but after running it, I noticed that it doesn't show any of the custom conditions and states that I've defined in my configuration. 

Could I alter this community sample to include my own custom states and conditions? 

I am trying to keep track of which states and conditions are active during runtime for debugging purposes. 

.Thank you so much.

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2 Replies
Esri Regular Contributor


You can read the config.daml of your configuration and obtain the custom conditions from the daml.

There is code in the AddInInfoManager sample that reads the config.daml from an add-in. This code can be used for also reading the custom conditions defined in your configurations daml.



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New Contributor III

Hi Uma,

Thank you for your help. Unfortunately, I don't think this is related to what I'm looking for. If possible, I would like a live control that displays which states and conditions are active. For example, my custom pane would display esri_mapping_mapPane condition when a map pane is active, but if I switched to the full catalog and no map pane was active, then the esri_mapping_mapPane condition would not be displayed on my custom pane anymore. 

The esri_mapping_mapPane condition is an esri condition and does display for this code sample:

However, I was wondering if I could include custom states and conditions to display in ArcGIS pro like in the sample, also. 

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