I would like to know how I can update a value in a table.
Here is my first go from looking at all the examples.
RowCursor cursor = profilesByStation.Search(null, false);
string nameoftable = profilesByStation.GetName();
int riverField = cursor.FindField(General.MMCProperties.Instance.getPropertyAsString("FieldsProfileRiverCode"));
int reachField = cursor.FindField(General.MMCProperties.Instance.getPropertyAsString("FieldsProfileReachCode"));
int stationField = cursor.FindField(General.MMCProperties.Instance.getPropertyAsString("FieldsProfileStation"));
int measField = cursor.FindField(General.MMCProperties.Instance.getPropertyAsString("FieldsProfileRef"));
string refMileField = General.MMCProperties.Instance.getPropertyAsString("FieldsXsRefMile");
if (riverField == -1 || reachField == -1 || stationField == -1 || measField == -1) {
System.Windows.Forms.MessageBox.Show("An error was encountered when trying to update the refmile data. The river field, reach field, station field, or measField was not found.\r\n");
while (cursor.MoveNext()) {
Row row = cursor.Current;
object river = row[riverField];
object reach = row[reachField];
object station = row[stationField];
if (!(river is System.DBNull || reach is System.DBNull || station is System.DBNull)) {
Models.XSecLocate xSecLocate = Models.XSecLocate.findXSecLocate(xSecLocateList,Convert.ToString(river),Convert.ToString(reach),Convert.ToDouble(station),true);
if (xSecLocate != null) {
row[measField] = xSecLocate.Meas;
row[refMileField] = xSecLocate.Meas;
As you can see I am updating the row/column field value by
row[refMileField] = xSecLocate.Meas;
However when I do this, it doesn't appear that anything in my table was updated.
Hi James,
I would check out the ProConcepts Editing help topic. This snippet can probably be modified to solve your issue.
I hope this helps,
Hi Rich,
Thanks for that. I am now using the code
var modifyOp = new ArcGIS.Desktop.Editing.EditOperation();
modifyOp.Name = "Update Fields";
modifyOp.Modify(row, measField, xSecLocate.Meas);
//modifyOp.Modify(row, refMileField, xSecLocate.Meas);
However it appears to be going very slow. I have a table of roughly 600,000 points. Updating each row is quite long. Is there a way to increase the speed of it? Or is there a more optimized approach to doing this?
Are you updating each row in its own EditOperation?
Or all you calling modifyOp.Modify() 600,000 times for the single call to new EditOperation()?
Thanks for the advice, I'll change that so it just does it in one EditOperation.