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How to retrieve a Domain from a Geodatabase?

09-22-2016 09:52 AM
Occasional Contributor

We store a lot of meta information for our business domain model in Esri Geodatabase Domains. In ArcObjects Domains can be retrieved directly from the workspace by it's name. This seems not to be possible with ArcGIS Pro - In ArcGIS Pro Domains can be retrieved only after they have been assigned to a field - Is there a way to retrieve a Domain from the Geodatabase using ArcGIS Pro?

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1 Reply
Esri Contributor


In the current release accessing a domain directly from the Geodatabase is not exposed. The ability to do this can be considered for a future release. 

Would you be willing to share the types of meta data you store in a domain, and how you utilize this information (when not assigned to a field for validation\gui editing constraints). We can take this part of the discussion off line for specifics.



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