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How to modify a feature geometry from a SDE database?

06-03-2020 11:38 AM
Emerging Contributor

Hello, I am developing a standalone tool to process the SDE database. In previous ESRI.ArcGIS API, I can use StartEditing(false)/StartEditOperation() to modify the feature and then StopEditOperation()/StopEditing(true). But now I switch to ArcGIS Pro SDK, I can still use the startEditing/startOperation and stopOperation/stopEditing in arcpy. However I can't find way to use the same mechanism in c#. I have struggled for many days and still no luck. Please help.

Thanks. Yu

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2 Replies
Esri Regular Contributor

An overview on how to edit geodatabase data can be found here.


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Emerging Contributor

Rich, this is a super guidance. I use geodatabase.ApplyEdits and get my work done. Thank you so much for help! Yu

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