Is there a way to access the version of the Add-In (e.g. what is listed in the Config.daml) using the SDK?
For example, with the ArcObjects SDK, you could access the Add-In verison with My.ThisAddIn.Version
Is there a similar way I can access the version using the Pro SDK? I can access the assembly/dll version with the reflection namespace, but this is not linked in any way to the Add-In version from what I can tell.
Hi Luke,
In the config.daml's <AddInInfo> tag, you can get the desktopVersion attribute and use it within your code as a string property.
To create something similar to what ArcObjects provided, you can do following -
internal class Module1 : Module
public static class MyAddin
public static string Version => "1.2.5023";
public static string Name => "ProAppModule1";
protected async override void OnClick()
string myVersion = Module1.MyAddin.Version; //do something with the version
Uma Harano
ArcGIS Desktop SDK Team
Hi Uma,
Are you saying I have to hardcode my Add-In version in my module class? Isn't there any way the SDK can tell me the version of my Add-In without me having to manually store it and update it?
Hi Luke,
The version is hard coded already into the config.daml. It never changes for the lifetime of that add-in. Once you make your variable, you would not have to update it.
Uma Harano
ArcGIS Desktop SDK Team.
I am also looking a way to read the Add-In "Version" Configuration. (Not the desktopVersion) from SDK.
Hi Sree,
You can take a look at this sample and see if it has what you need:
It displays version information about add-ins - the 'Version' string is probably what you are looking for:
Hi Kaiser,
I think this will work. Probably I need to find all the add-ins and filter the version# based on my add-in guid.
- My intention is to read the current version of my add-in directly from Config.daml.
<AddInInfo id="{my add-in guid}" version="1.0" desktopVersion="2.2.12813">
Thanks for the help!