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Finding the Polyline part

09-18-2022 11:32 PM
Frequent Contributor

I have a question, I have two layers (polyline) from which I created a buffer of polygon layers and by intersecting them I created another layer with an intersection and now I would like to use the new layer to find the parts in one polyline layer and edit the verticals in them.
I hope I explained it clearly 🙂intersect.PNG I would like to edit the parts in red rectangles in that base layer. *Badly chosen place




  if (!(MapView.Active.Map.FindLayers("Z_Voda_L ").First() is FeatureLayer vodaLayer))
            if (!(MapView.Active.Map.FindLayers("Z_KomSilnice_L ").First() is FeatureLayer komLayer))
            await QueuedTask.Run(async () =>
                string fileBufferVoda = @"D:\BufferVoda.shp"; 
                object[] bufferParaVoda =
                    {vodaLayer, fileBufferVoda, "1 Meters", "FULL", "ROUND", "LIST", "", "PLANAR"};
                await StartATask("analysis.Buffer", bufferParaVoda);
                string fileBufferSilnice = @"D:\BufferSilnice.shp"; ;
                object[] bufferParaSilnice =
                    {komLayer, fileBufferSilnice, "2 Meters", "FULL", "ROUND", "LIST", "", "PLANAR"};
                await StartATask("analysis.Buffer", bufferParaSilnice);
                string output = @"D:\PairwiseIntersect.shp";
                string silnice = "BufferSilnice";
                string voda = "BufferVoda";
                FeatureLayer bufferSilnice = MapView.Active.Map.FindLayers(silnice).First() as FeatureLayer;
                FeatureLayer bufferVoda = MapView.Active.Map.FindLayers(voda).First() as FeatureLayer;
                object[] inputFields = { bufferVoda + ";" +bufferSilnice };
                object[] parametrPair = 
                    {inputFields, output , "ALL", "", "INPUT"};
                await StartATask("analysis.PairwiseIntersect", parametrPair);








Thanks for your advice and tips.



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2 Replies
by Esri Regular Contributor
Esri Regular Contributor

You say:

 I would like to edit the parts in red rectangles in that base layer.

But then you also say:

find the parts in one polyline layer and edit the verticals in them

I assume you want to do the second, meaning you want to edit (what i assume is a road and a stream layer) either the street or road layer?   And you mentioned 'Verticals' does that mean you want to change the elevation (Y) of a 3D line feature class at the point of intersection?

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Frequent Contributor

The basic idea of ​​my problem is that I have the two initial layers (road and stream) but in some places these layers overlap, which makes no sense for the road to be on the stream (I don't mean the bridge). That's why I want to find places where they overlap more than just crossing and in those places move the stream a little to the side.



As I looked again at the workers, I didn't choose the right one...

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