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Error When Running SDK Sample

11-22-2022 10:17 AM
New Contributor


I am new to the ArcGIS Pro SDK.  I am trying to run a sample ( published and downloaded from the GitHub page. After importing it into the Visual Studios 22 and adjusting the path to to the Arc Pro.exe, I met some errors but do not know what went wrong. Could anybody see and tell what's happening or how can I solve it? I am using Arc Pro 3.0 btw. 

Thanks in advance!



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2 Replies
MVP Esteemed Contributor

I am able to run the add-in from the sample. While the Error log show some of the same error messages, it will compile and run. However, you have some additional errors. Have you checked your code against the original?


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by Esri Regular Contributor
Esri Regular Contributor

Close the XAML document pane and see if the errors go away.  There's an issue with the XAML designer not being able to open ArcGIS Pro assemblies and usually these types of errors are reported by the XAML designer in the Visual Studio Error List.   

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