I'm trying to edit raster of GDB raster dataset added to map as RasterLayer. I need to set new extent, height, width and cells values. My code is:
var raster = layer.GetRaster();
var pixelBlockHeight = Math.Min(raster.GetHeight(), rowsCount);
var pixelBlockWidth = Math.Min(raster.GetWidth(), columnsCount);
var pixelBlock = raster.CreatePixelBlock(pixelBlockWidth, pixelBlockHeight);
raster.Read(0, 0, pixelBlock);
var sourcePixels = pixelBlock.GetPixelData(0, false);
for (var i = 0; i < pixelBlockHeight; i++)
for (var j = 0; j < pixelBlockWidth; j++)
sourcePixels.SetValue(Convert.ToUInt32(1000), j, i);
pixelBlock.SetPixelData(0, sourcePixels);
raster.Write(0, 0, pixelBlock);
But nothing happens. No values are applied. If I get pixel block again, all values are zero. Statistics is empty.
What am I doing wrong?
Any news on this issue?
Did you check to see if the raster can be edited using raster.CanEdit()? If you know where the raster dataset is you don't need a layer. You can just open the raster dataset, create a full raster and make your edits on it.
Hi Prashant,
I need layer since I want to show raster on map. CanEdit returns true. So have RasterLayer in which I need to modify pixels. But my edits are not applied.
It seems it's impossible to edit pixels of raster layer's raster. Am I right?