What is the best way to determine if a layer exists or not? I have some code that runs on a specific layer, but I don't want Arc to crash if the layer doesn't exist when the user presses the button.
Can anyone suggest a check to go through before the code below runs that will check for the layers existence? I would think evaluating MapView.Active.Map.FindLayers("GISWRKS1.WORKS.VLS_Points") to a boolean would work, but I can't seem to get it to.
var vlsLayer = MapView.Active.Map.FindLayers("GISWRKS1.WORKS.VLS_Points").First() as BasicFeatureLayer;
var selection = vlsLayer.GetSelection();
IReadOnlyList<long> selectedOIDs = selection.GetObjectIDs(); //save the selected OBJECTIDs to a list.