I need to determine the width of a graphic (typically CIMTextGraphic) so that I can place subsequent graphics as they relate to the location of the preceding graphic.
I can do this by creating a (throw-away/temporary) GroupElement and then retrieving the envelope like so:
Coordinate2D pnt = new Coordinate2D(xCanvas, yCanvas);
GroupElement dummyGE;
GroupElement groupElement;
List<CIMGraphic> newElements = new List<CIMGraphic>();
await QueuedTask.Run(() => {
dummyGE = LayoutElementFactory.Instance.CreateGroupElement(myLayout));
//create foreign text
CIMTextGraphic tg = new CIMTextGraphic { Symbol = myTextSymbol.MakeSymbolReference(), Text = "Hallo Venn!", Shape = pnt.ToMapPoint() };
CIMGraphicElement graphic = new CIMGraphicElement() { Graphic = tg };
LayoutElementFactory.Instance.CreateElement(dummyGE, graphic);
Element tmpElem = dummyGE.Elements[dummyGE.Elements.Count - 1];
Envelope tmpEnv = tmpElem.GetBounds();
pnt = new Coordinate2D(xCanvas + (tmpEnv.Width + 1), yCanvas);
tg.Shape = pnt.ToMapPoint();
//create english text
tg = new CIMTextGraphic { Symbol = myTextSymbol.MakeSymbolReference(), Text = "Hello Friend!", Shape = pnt.ToMapPoint() };
graphic = new CIMGraphicElement() { Graphic = tg };
LayoutElementFactory.Instance.CreateElement(dummyGE, graphic);
tmpElem = dummyGE.Elements[dummyGE.Elements.Count - 1];
tmpEnv = tmpElem.GetBounds();
pnt = new Coordinate2D(xCanvas + (tmpEnv.Width + 1), yCanvas);
tg.Shape = pnt.ToMapPoint();
groupElement = LayoutElementFactory.Instance.CreateGroupElement(myLayout);
LayoutElementFactory.Instance.CreateGraphicElements(groupElement, newElements, null);
Using this method is detrimental to performance. If I am iteratively using the above code it can take nearly a minute to add ~100 elements.
If I don't need to determine the location based on preceding elements I can avoid the creation of the 'dummy' element; I just add the new element to the CIMGraphic list and once I have all elements added, use a single call (LayoutElementFactory.Instance.CreateGraphicElements) to add to a GroupElement/Layout. That works great, but it doesn't help me when trying to create elements as the relate to other new elements.
Anyone out there have a method to determine the extent of an element without adding it the layout?