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CoreHost - ApplyEdits fails on version (memory allocation failure)

04-23-2024 10:43 AM
New Contributor

I'm trying to make edits to a version in a CoreHost application. I can use ApplyEdits on the default version but when I try to use it on a version I get a memory allocation failure. 


ArcGIS.Core.Data.ServiceException: 'memory allocation error'

Inner Exception
COMException: Exception from HRESULT: 0x80040218

Below is a my code with all the logic stripped out. It fails even if I don't actually have any edits to apply and doesn't even make it inside the ApplyEdits block.

Is CoreHost not meant to work on versions besides Default? Or is there something that I should be doing differently? I've tried putting everything that implements Disposable in a using block but left it out of the example code for brevity.


Task result = QueuedWorker.Run(() =>
    using (Geodatabase updateGdbDefault = GeodatabaseService.GetGeodatabaseFromUri(config.UpdateGeodatabaseFilePath))
    using (Geodatabase joinGdb = GeodatabaseService.GetGeodatabaseFromUri(config.JoinGeodatabaseFilePath))
        //This one works fine
        updateGdbDefault.ApplyEdits(() => {
        VersionManager vm = updateGdbDefault.GetVersionManager();
        if (!vm.GetVersionNames().Any(version => version.Contains($"joinandupdate{config.UpdateField}")))
            VersionDescription vd = new         VersionDescription($"joinandupdate{config.UpdateField}", "", VersionAccessType.Public);
        ArcGIS.Core.Data.Version v = vm.GetVersion($"joinandupdate{config.UpdateField}");
        using (Geodatabase updateGdb = v.Connect())
            //fails here, doesn't even get inside the block
            updateGdb.ApplyEdits(() =>




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1 Reply
by Esri Contributor
Esri Contributor

No, it should work with non-default branches in the CoreHost. Are you using a branched versioned feature service?

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