I want to parse user input through a field data type converter (if...else if) so that I don't get a "Data Type Mismatch" from my QueryFilter/SpatialQueryFilter. However, I'm having trouble retrieving the actual field data type from the FeatureLayer or FeatureClass. I can get to the Field name for the query, but not the data type (Text, Int, Double, Long, etc...).
Solved! Go to Solution.
This is where I ended up...
public async void MnlSrchCmbobx_SelectionChangeCommitted(object sender, EventArgs e)
var attfn = MnlSrchCmbobx.Text; //string choice from combobox (search field)
Form1.GVar.ms_attfn = attfn; //string to global variable
await ActMap(); //active map checker
Map map = MapView.Active.Map;
var srch_lyr = map.FindLayers(lyr).FirstOrDefault() as FeatureLayer; //layer locator from "lyr" in activemap TOC
await QueuedTask.Run(() =>
TableDefinition srch_FCD = srch_lyr.GetTable().GetDefinition(); //table definition of featurelayer
var Find_Fld = srch_FCD.FindField(attfn); //find the search field index
var Get_Flds = srch_FCD.GetFields(); //get the readonly collection of fields from the table
Field ms_field = Get_Flds.ElementAt(Find_Fld); //Field object: via search field index from collection
var FldTp = ms_field.FieldType.ToString(); //get fieldtype as a string
Form1.GVar.ms_v_datatype = FldTp; //assign fieldtype to global variable
AsetSrchFldDTLbl.Text = Form1.GVar.ms_v_datatype; //test output on sub-form to a label.
Thanks, Rich and Uma.
Given the FeatureClass, you can get a FeatureClassDefinition object by calling FeatureClass.GetDefinition().
From the FeatureClassDefinition you can call FindField() to find the field index, given the name. With that and a fields collection from FeatureClassDefinition.GetFields(), you can get a Field object.
Finally, the Field object has a FieldType property.
Thanks for pointing to FeatureClassDefinition, Rich.
I'm still fuzzy on acquiring the Field object...
Hi Mike,
Check out the Renderer community sample. There is code in there that gets a feature layer's numeric field.
In particular, check out the following 2 methods:
Given a feature layer, this method get's the first numeric field.
internal static string GetNumericField(FeatureLayer featureLayer)
//Get all the visible numeric fields for the layer.
var numericField = featureLayer.GetFieldDescriptions().FirstOrDefault(f => IsNumericFieldType(f.Type) && f.IsVisible);
return numericField.Name;
This is the helper method that does the work:
internal static bool IsNumericFieldType(FieldType type)
switch (type)
case FieldType.Double:
case FieldType.Integer:
case FieldType.Single:
case FieldType.SmallInteger:
return true;
return false;
Thanks, Uma.
That isn't entirely what I'm after.
I'm collecting from a sub-form user input (string) & fieldname (combobox) from a featurelayer/class as variables for a queryfilter/spatialqueryfilter on the main-form. I need to know the fieldname's FIELDTYPE to parse appropriately for the query filter. Other wise I get the "data type mismatch in criteria expression."
I'm looking for the FIELDTYPE of a selected column.
I followed Rich's lead from above, but am troubleshooting the FIELD object, so I can get the correct FIELDTYPE.
This is where I ended up...
public async void MnlSrchCmbobx_SelectionChangeCommitted(object sender, EventArgs e)
var attfn = MnlSrchCmbobx.Text; //string choice from combobox (search field)
Form1.GVar.ms_attfn = attfn; //string to global variable
await ActMap(); //active map checker
Map map = MapView.Active.Map;
var srch_lyr = map.FindLayers(lyr).FirstOrDefault() as FeatureLayer; //layer locator from "lyr" in activemap TOC
await QueuedTask.Run(() =>
TableDefinition srch_FCD = srch_lyr.GetTable().GetDefinition(); //table definition of featurelayer
var Find_Fld = srch_FCD.FindField(attfn); //find the search field index
var Get_Flds = srch_FCD.GetFields(); //get the readonly collection of fields from the table
Field ms_field = Get_Flds.ElementAt(Find_Fld); //Field object: via search field index from collection
var FldTp = ms_field.FieldType.ToString(); //get fieldtype as a string
Form1.GVar.ms_v_datatype = FldTp; //assign fieldtype to global variable
AsetSrchFldDTLbl.Text = Form1.GVar.ms_v_datatype; //test output on sub-form to a label.
Thanks, Rich and Uma.