I have following ArcObjects code for a tool which I am working on to migrate to an ArcGIS Pro tool.
Do While AnnoFeat IsNot Nothing
If TypeOf AnnoFeat.Annotation Is IGroupElement Then
With CType(AnnoFeat.Annotation, IGroupElement)
elemList = .Elements
childElem = elemList.Next
Do While childElem IsNot Nothing
If TypeOf childElem Is ILineElement Then
'process as line geometry
End If
If TypeOf childElem Is ITextElement Then
'process text as point
End If
oChildElem = elemList.Next
End With
ElseIf TypeOf AnnoFeat.Annotation Is ILineElement Then
'process as line geometry
ElseIf TypeOf AnnoFeat.Annotation Is ITextElement Then
'process text as point
End If
AnnoFeat = AnnotFeatCursor.NextFeature
How can we do this using ArcGIS Pro SDK ?
I have upgraded the annotation feature class I used in ArcMap for use in ArcGIS Pro and I am trying to write a replacement for this code block. I read this old post and it says ArcGIS Pro only supports TextGraphic. Is this still same ?