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Adding and georeferencing CAD data via module

01-18-2019 05:21 AM
New Contributor


Is it possible to either integrate the existing CAD adding and georeferencing functionality into a custom module or somehow replicate the functionality?

There seems to be no mention of this functionality in the entire SDK.

I'd like to add a feature in which a user can select a cad file, we add it to the map, ask the user to place it correctly and to then save that location data to a database. And also for the module to be able to add that cad data at the correct location back on the map.

I've looked into mimicking the functionality using symbols but there doesn't seem to be much in the way of options for image symbology.

Any help is greatly appreciated!

Pro help reference for the feature:

Georeferencing CAD data—ArcGIS Pro | ArcGIS Desktop 

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