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Why i can open a gdb file in arcmap

01-17-2017 04:06 PM
New Contributor

I have ArcGIS desktop 10.5, and I have gistutorial for ArcGIS 10.1, I can't open gdb file from the exercises, I made the connection with ArcCatalog, it show me the gdb file but I can't open; error message appear   

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12 Replies
MVP Emeritus

I don't remember their being a difference in the file gdb structure between v 10.1 and recent versions, but try moving the chapter5.gdb folder to another folder, just in case it is a permissions issue.

and just to throw another question out there a particular reason you are try to do a tutorial from 10.1 when you have 10.5 installed?  Have you checked out Get started with ArcMap—Help | ArcGIS Desktop  tutorials, or some of the other free training available thru or the various videos available?  They may have the same type of lessions but will include the mdiore up to date interface and tools.  Just a thought.

New Contributor

Thanks, for you Help I was following the adviser  of GEONET but I Couldn't find  a solution but you can see when I open the gdb files from the finished exercises of tutorial solution in the same Path open but the gdb files in MyExercises doesn't

So I'm coping the gdb files from solution and using some shape files to continuing my tutorial thanks any way for you help 

Ing. Hugo Delgado

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Regular Contributor II

May be some files missed .

Do Two GDB in the 2 paths (GDB opened / GDB not opened) have same size in memory?  (that's  if you don't edit any feature inside GDB)

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