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When Project Options on Raster Dataset Build pyramid settings doesn't work as expected

02-09-2024 09:18 AM
Labels (2)
Occasional Contributor

I am using ArcGIS Pro 3.1.3, but this issue was first observed in ArcGIS Pro 3.1.2.  Because the staff I support do a lot of interpretation of elevation and hillshade data it is important that pyramids built for their base data use bilinear or cubic resampling techniques.  To help do this I set the Project -> Options -> Raster Dataset -> Building pyramd settings -> Resampling method from the installation default of Nearest Neighbor to Bilinear. However, when I add raster data to the project the resultant pyramids are constructed using nearest neighbor resampling.  I've attached an image of where in the Project options the setting lives, and the results of the pyramid construction when the setting is set to "Bilinear". 

I know I can use the "Build Pyramids" geoprocessing tool and recalculate the pyramids but I would love to get this setting working because it would save a ton of time, take a tedious task off staff's plate, and it is there and a good options so it would be nice if it worked.   Is there some switch somewhere that I could change so this option is enforced? Has anyone else noticed this bug? 



Thank you for your help,




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3 Replies
Esri Notable Contributor

Hi Jonathan - so I'm using ArcGIS Pro 3.2.2.  To create my workflow, I first deleted all raster pyramids for a Raster Dataset.  Then went to Project->Options->Raster and Imager->Raster Dataset->Build Pyramid Settings and set my Resampling to Bilinear.  Then I added a Raster Dataset with no pyramids and it prompted me if I wanted to build Pyramids.  In the Builder Pyramids window, I expanded Options and the Resampling Method was honoring the Options setting of using Bilinear.  I clicked yes.  Then I went into the Raster Pyramid properties for the Raster Dataset in the Map View and for Raster Information it was set to Bilinear.  So maybe what's happening is that somewhere in AGP 3.1.x there's a bug that was fixed in AGP 3.2.x.  Is it possible to upgrade to ArcGIS Pro 3.2.2?Project->OptionsProject->OptionsQuery to build pyramidsQuery to build pyramidsRD propertiesRD properties

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Occasional Contributor

Hi Robert.  Something happened that made it so my rasters built pyramids as defined in the raster settings. However, when I was teaching staff ArcGIS Pro last week the setting failed on all of their machines - we looked at raster properties to check this after adding rasters to a map with the build pyramids setting set to bilinear.  The trainees all had nearest neighbor for the Pyramids portion.  Maybe the setting is implemented directly in 3.2 while not working effectively in 3.1.x.   

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Esri Notable Contributor

Hi Jonathan - that could be possible with the 3.2 and the 3.1.x setting implementation.  Hard for me to know as I work in Training Services.

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