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Using Living Atlas Data

01-04-2023 09:49 AM
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New Contributor

I am having difficulty using Living Atlas Layers as input features on ArcGIS Pro. I am on GIS Professional Advanced. I have added a feature class, "USA Soils Map Units" to a new map but the attribute table is completely blank, even though there is clearly polygon data added to the map. Here is the link to the layer: USA_Soils_Map_Units (FeatureServer) (  Additionally, I am attempting to use the Clip tool with the Living Atlas layer as the input feature and a polygon feature as the clip feature. As I run this tool it outputs a feature layer, but the layer doesn't contain any data. After running, I receive a message that says, "clip completed with warnings"." Upon inspection, the warning message I receive is "Warning 000117: Warning empty output generated. I have attached a screenshot of this message. To mediate this issue, I attempted to use the Repair Geometry tool on the Living Atlas Layer. This tool will not even let me run it. A red x appears when I select the living atlas layer. Hovering over the red x brings up another error message. This error code is 000732.  The error code explains that the dataset does not exist or is not supported. I will also attach screenshot of this message. Overall, I am very stuck and any attempt to mediate this issue has simply resulted in another error message. Any help is greatly appreciated. Thank you. 

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Esteemed Contributor

I would reach out to ESRI technical support to see if this layer is working as expected as a first step.  I would also ask support if this Soils layer can be used as per your business requirement.  I have a web app where I am using Living Atlas layers, but I was unable to do this for a soils layer.

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