Hi all, got a bit of a head-scratcher I'm stumped on.
I have a new user with a recently-acquired Pro Basic license and some hosted feature layers in ArcGIS Pro. They attempted to edit some attributes on one of these and the attribute table wouldn't allow them to perform any edits, it behaved like a read-only layer, but it does have editing enabled.
Another user with the same license level was able to perform the same edits against the same service (neither were owners of the data). Next, we logged onto a separate machine using the first user's credentials and were able to edit the hosted feature layers from Pro on it.
One detail - the data in question does have relationships between a layer and some tables. I understand editing geodatabase data that includes relationships requires a Pro Standard license, but that doesn't apply to AGOL hosted feature layers does it? If it does, then it doesn't make sense that another user with a Pro Basic license was able to edit the same service, and that we were able to edit from another machine. (I verified the edits were persisted through the web interface as well.)
(Edit to Add - The user's role is Publisher.)
(Edit Two - A second user with a Basic license has also run into this issue. Is it possible that Pro users can't edit related data, but web editors, Field Maps users and S123 Inbox users can? That just seems wrong...)
Any ideas? Thanks!