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Use Ontario/LIO Topographic tiles in ArcGIS Pro

11-25-2022 09:58 AM
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Esteemed Contributor

I've seen LIO (Land information Ontario) Topographic tiles used in various Ontario government web maps, such as the Crown Land Use Policy Atlas web map:


I want to use those topo maps as a base layer in ArcGIS Pro 3.0.2.

  1. I'm aware that ArcGIS Pro has ESRI topographic base maps included OOTB. But in this case, the LIO Topographic maps are better suited to my purposes.
  2. I looked at Ontario GeoHub: But I don't see downloadable topo tiles anywhere. 
  3. I'd prefer to use the pre-built tiles rather than symbolize the vector topographic data that's available on GeoHub (and the vector data would be slower than raster tiles too, so raster tiles would be preferred).

Is there a way to use the LIO Topographic tiles in ArcGIS Pro? Either as downloadable files or as a web service?


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