I'm completly new on ArcGis Desktop 10.8.2
I've received a GDB file, and I've extracted 1 table as SHP file.
I've updated SHP outside of ArcGis : modified attributes, removed some objets, added new objects, and I want to replace all orginal features by all objects contained in my SHP.
I have tried to do that whith ArcMap, with tools "Table to geodatabase" (I use use french version and I'm not sure of english terms), but this tool add a new table and doesn't update existing table.
Is there a tuto or a simple solution to do that?
Why not maybe first directly import the original shapefile (SHP) to your ArcGIS Pro geodatabase via "Featureclass to Geodatabase" tool. Then make all your edits to the the attributes inside ArcGIS Pro.
Hi Ed,
Thanks for your answer, but I need to transfer data into my CAD system to update data and I need to deliver an updated database.
I've tried to use Feature class to GDB.
I succeed to transfer links SHP, but not node SHP.
I join a link to my screen cast test : https://www.swisstransfer.com/d/f3712d3a-ce1d-47ca-a0d2-c7f589979209
If you have an explanation, I'll apreciate.
Agree with Ed that I would skip exporting the GDB feature class to a shapefile, doing the edits in a shapefile and importing back into the geodatabase. Just do all the editing in your geodatabase feature class to begin with. The Feature Class to Geodatabase geoprocessing tool will work fine but you'll need to delete (or rename) the original feature class unless you just want to overwrite the GDB feature class.
Thanks for your answer, but I can't edit in ArcGis.
I use the SHP file to import into my CAD software (AutoCAD Map 3D), then update the position and attribute data by analyzing my sewer network in the field.
I have a well-honed process for handling all this in my CAD software, from which I re-export my data in SHP format, but I have to deliver an updated geodatabase in return.
I'll made a test with Feature Class to Geodatabase process, and I'll come back.
It works fine for line geomtry, but not for node geometry. https://www.swisstransfer.com/d/f3712d3a-ce1d-47ca-a0d2-c7f589979209
Have you an explanation, please?
I open my SHP file of nodes in QGis and re export it to SHP file, and now I can import it in ArcMap.
I don't know why my original SHP can be viewed, but non imported directly in ArcMap.
It's OK for me now, thank you both.