we are trying to utilize Arc hydro Ground water tool with ArcGIS Pro to analyze and visualize the ground water flow .However finding it difficulty to install the tool . I have downloaded the setup file (Arc Hydro Groundwater 1.0.1 (for ArcGIS Pro 3.0) ) from below URL : https://www.aquaveo.com/downloads-ahgw
ArcPro Version Installed : 3.0.3
Can someone please help me know if I am missing some software installation.
Error :
Thanks & Regards,
Abhishek kumar Choudhary
Hello @abhishek_choudhary , might Aquaveo themselves might be better placed to help answer this question for you ? Their Technical Support contact details are given here.
@ChrisUnderwood , We have tried multiple ways suggested by Aquaveo but none of them worked for us and finally they accepted it as a bug. So this is a blocker for now.