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Transferring Attributes during a Construct Polygons Operation

09-20-2022 12:40 PM
Labels (3)
New Contributor


I have several hundred closed polyline features which contain attribute values that I would like to transfer to the resulting polygon features created during a (batch) Construct Polygons tool operation. The feature class schemas are identical for the fields I wish to transfer, however I cannot seem to override the polygon feature's Template Properties, which seem to dictate any inherited values upon feature creation. 

Does anyone have an idea about how to accomplish this goal?

I am comfortable with Python & Field Mappings, but am not finding an ArcPy function for ConstructPolygons?

Additionally, the "Feature To Polygon"  gp tool indicates that the "attributes" parameter is no longer supported...I'm confused, was this functionality perhaps migrated to an extension bundle?

Thank you!

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Hi @JTBatSLO - I am not familiar with the Construct Polygons tool.  Do you have multiple features within a single feature/shapefile or multiple feature classes?  If the former, obviously that may be easier.  Let me know and I may have some suggestions.

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A Spatial Join might work if the polygons don't overlap.  You can specify 'boundary touches' or 'share a line segment with' as match options (but 'intersect' might work too).

Alternatively you could try running the Identity GP tool to give the output polygons the attributes of the lines - but may need some intermediate steps eg buffer lines to get polygons, dissolve to tidy things up afterwards.


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