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Tile Cache No Data spots

10-07-2024 08:54 AM
Occasional Contributor

Good morning,

I have a mosiac dataset that I want to use as basemap for my weblayers. The mosiac dataset looks great alone, but after I run the 'Manage Tile Cache' tool, pixels where one of my four bands has a value of 255 seems to become defined as 'NoData' rather than just being a bright white color ( noted by blue in first image).


I have tried removing all NoData values from the Mosaic Dataset properties and checking 'Footprint may contain NoData' but got the same result.

I have also tried running 'Define Mosaic Dataset NoData' twice, one with 255 being the 'NoData Value (and checking 'Composite NoData value from each band, hopefully fixing the single 255 value in any band = NoData ) which did not work. I then again ran that tool, but setting NoData value to 256, but no dice.


At this point, I am at a loss on how to address this issue. Has anyone ran into this or have any ideas for a solution? 

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