I am an experienced user of ArcMap with many university level courses that required the software. I am trying to get up to speed with ArcGIS Pro and the book "Switching to ArcGIS Pro from ArcMap" seemed perfect, so I purchased it from esri Press. I am only on page 9 and am already having trouble accessing some of the required content. The author gives instructions to 'Go to links.esri.com/SwitchingToProData' and download a zip file that contains files needed for the exercises in the book, which is based around Crater Lake. This takes me to a login page. Every time I enter my credentials, I get the message 'The username you entered is not a member of this organization.' I have an ArcGIS Online account and a licensed version of ArcGIS Pro on my computer, and I have tried every combination of Username and Password with no success. If anybody has any suggestions it would be greatly appreciated, as I was looking forward to working through this book.
Hello @jtmedley42 , I'm sorry about this problem!
Please find the zip file for download at this link: https://www.arcgis.com/home/item.html?id=2e387b5c1b4b408da4b9085feef0987a
Thank you so much!
I just purchased this book because my organization just switched from ArcMap to ArcGIS Pro. I was able to download the zip file but it won't extract the files. Is there an updated link for the files needed for the book?