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Summarize Within, Summarize Nearby and Tabulate Intersection all fail with different errors

04-04-2023 05:35 AM
New Contributor

I am trying to summarize area within another area of a lot of buffers. Since these buffers are around points (114000 points), I can try summarize nearby around the points, or I can create a buffer around those points and try and summarize them. Each tool gives a slightly different error so I can't figure it out what is wrong. 


The summarize within tool suggests its Error 100014 but when I try a file name right in the C:/ directory the same error occurs. 


Summarize nearby gives me error 100025, and I can't find any documentation about it. 


Tabulate intersection gives me this error, again not sure why. Any insight is appreciated. 

Running on most recent downloaded version of ArcGIS Pro.


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4 Replies
Esri Regular Contributor

Unfortunately, ArcGIS pro doesn't currently provide support for cloud storage services like OneDrive, and this may be related to your error. Can you create a new Geodatabase which resides locally without cloud syncing, e.g. C:\workspace, and have both your input and output reside in that location? If you get the same error then it wasn't the cause, but would be helpful on eliminating one potential class of issues.

New Contributor

Hi Shaun, 

I tried changing the pathway but was unsuccessful in changing outcomes, using C:\LUROutcome\MyProject5\Luroutcome.gdb\Ham_DisseminationAreas.

I separated the categories into separate shapefiles and that seemed to help. 

However, I continue to use summarize within (without category as a group field) and the error 100014 shows up. I can't find any information online about this error? Any idea what might be happening?

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Esri Regular Contributor

Any chance you're using the version of Summarize Within designed for online analysis? I would only expect that error when using the standard analysis version of the tool for working with online features. If it is happening with local data, please provide a more complete example of the inputs and error.

Cheers, Shaun

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New Contributor

I got error 100025 with summarize nearby with a non-descriptive error message in Python. I was running it in a Pro Notebook, so the failed GP run went into my GP History. When I double-clicked on it to see the settings in the Pro GP GUI, it popped up a login to my Portal. The layer I was summarizing (Input Summary Features parameter) was a hosted feature layer on a portal, but my session had timed out. 

As always, I wish the error message was more useful. I might've eventually figured that out, but it would have taken me much longer without the help from the Pro GP GUI. 

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