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Stylus Support in ArcGIS Pro

07-23-2018 12:46 PM
Regular Contributor

How is it possible for ArcGIS Pro to NOT have stylus support?

I have a brand new Lenovo P52s (it is an awesome little laptop) and have used a Wacom digitizer for years to efficiently edit data.  Now as I try to move my GIS workflows to ArcGIS Pro, something as simple as trying to use a stylus does not work.

I also installed ArcGIS Pro on a Samsung Galaxy Book PC (a great little tablet PC with a beautiful stylus).  Again no way to use the stylus in ArcGIS Pro.

What year do we live in???  And how long is ESRI going to take to develop ArcGIS Pro???

How can ESRI not fundamentally understand that their software is used by businesses that depend upon fluid easy use of their software?

ESRI seems to have some fundamental management problems.  The low level tech support at ESRI is awesome.  They always work very hard to address problems.  However, as soon as a problem has to be elevated above a low level tech person, nothing is ever changed.  Problems just drag on and on forever.

ESRI middle and upper management... Wake up and pull your thumbs out..... 

16 Replies
Esri Notable Contributor

Jerome - I did look into your stylus support in ArcGIS Pro question and found an enhancement request - ENH-000091405 : Add stylus support for navigation within ArcGIS Pro - that is to be incorporated in a future release of AGP.

As an Esri Senior Instructor, I cannot comment development workflows for future releases as I'm not privy to those conversations.  Nor can I comment on Esri Support Services either.  The latest release of AGP incorporated a lot of customer requests as well as ArcMap equivalency items that were missing in earlier releases.  AGP is not a completed application as of yet and future releases will increase the capability of the product.  ArcMap is mature product having benefited from 20+ years of development.  AGP was initially released in late 2015 and it has some amazing functionality with much more development yet to come.

If there's anything I can assist you with or additional information, please let me know.

Regular Contributor


Of course I sound rude in my post and I am sorry to have to sound that way.

However, I have run a business centered around ESRI products for more than 10 years.  ESRI does have fundamental quality control and management problems.  It is a wonder that some business start up has not focused on the GIS world.  ESRI has turned into an unresponsive unmanaged mess.

Microsoft was going in the same direction under Steve Ballmer and there has been a huge turn around under Satya Nadella (of course MS is still far from perfect, but significantly better then under Ballmer).

I would call the new functionality in ArcGIS Pro amazing in 2005... not so amazing 2018.

How could it possibly take until 2015 for ESRI to release a desktop version of Arc running 64 bit.

Yea, ArcGIS Pro was first released in 2015... however the first release was way late compared to other companies using the same technology.  And also the first release had extremely limited functionality.  It should barely have been called a beta.

Also, I do understand that it is extremely difficult and expensive to develop nice software.  Get your people focused and efficient.  Endless meetings and half a dozen or more conference's per year is not efficient.

Again, I might sound rude, but my business depends on this software.  And I don't feel like being one of the small companies that is left by the side of the road.


Esri Notable Contributor

No worries Jerome.  I'll forward this discussion to Kory Kramer (Support Analyst and Customer Advocate for Esri) to make sure this thread is reviewed by the correct people.

Regular Contributor

Thank You Robert

Regular Contributor


I realize that I am now on kind of a long complaint about ESRI and ArcGIS Pro.

So, I did give up on the Stylus issue for today.  And went back to work.

Immediately having more problems in ArcGIS Pro.  Problems that should never happen.

I am simply working with a feature class set of point data.  The data set contains about 5,000 points.  And I am selecting some of the stray points with my mouse and hitting the "delete" button.  And the points do not disappear from the screen.  The points are actually deleted... but the screen does not redraw correctly.  The screen does not appear to redraw at all after the points are deleted.

Again... how can problems like the one stated directly above possibly persist for so long???  That type of problem is not even acceptable in a poor beta.  Editing vector data is probably the single biggest core functionality of Arc software.  And that editing can not be done without errors and bugs.


Esri Notable Contributor

Jerome - I have not seen this delete behavior in my AGP sessions.  My workflow for deleting features, click the Edit core tab, select the features to delete, and save my edits.  Upon hitting the delete command, they do disappear from my map view.  One thing that I've seen that addresses these inconsistencies is to delete (or rename) the C:\Users\<user profile>\appdata\roaming\Esri folder and the C:\Users\<user profile>\appdata\local\Esri folder (close AGP before doing this).  Restart AGP and try the workflow again.

What version of AGP are you using? 

Regular Contributor

Robert... I am using the exact procedure you describe above to edit data.  Latest version of ArcGIS Pro (2.2.0).  Lenovo P52s laptop with Windows 10 Pro and 32 Gb of RAM(brand new about a month ago).  The laptop has a NVIDIA Quadro P500 graphics card.

ArcGIS Pro has a feature under "Options => Display => Local cache" to do basically the same work around that you describe above.  It fixes the problem for a while, then the problem starts again.  Still, thanks for the suggestion.

I do also have a Lenovo ThinkPad Thunderbolt 3 Dock.  It is very possible the problem is caused by the dock... this dock has caused a number of other strange problems related to display.  And the dock does have quit a list of complaints on Lenovo's website.  My problems with the dock have been relatively small up to this point and I have mostly really liked it.  So maybe this is not an ESRI problem.

Still, without a relatively large amount of research, how do I know what causes the problem.  And since I have found ESRI quality control lacking may times in the past... the problem automatically gets blamed on them.  When I have some time, I will try to use ArcGIS Pro for a while without the dock.


Esri Notable Contributor

Another item to research in addition to the docking station is we've seen where outdated video card drivers can cause some strangeness afoot in AGP.  Since you know the make/model of your video card, go to NVIDIA's website, search/download/install the latest video card driver for your computer and attempt the workflow again.  Another test to run is the "Check your computer's ability to run ArcGIS Pro 2.2" at the following URL - - sometimes the information proves valuable.

Regular Contributor

I contacted an ESRI technical support person on this Stylus issue this morning.  The line below is copied and pasted directly from the support person's response.

"An enhancement was logged for this issue earlier however it was closed stating that it won’t addressed currently."