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Shoreline change

12-09-2023 04:36 AM
Deactivated User

Working on a final for my geomatics class and I am trying to map shoreline change using ArcGIS Pro. I used 12 Landsat images (Landsat 7, Band 4 for 4 pics; Landsat 8/9, Band 5 for 8 pics). Trying to show the shoreline change before and after a hurricane.

My ArcGIS Pro is updated to the newest version, ArcMap isn’t accessible on my computer as it’s a school computer. Therefore, the DSAS and Landsat toolboxes will not work as they cannot open.

Any ideas? I can’t seem to find any papers that talk about it without using DSAS so I’m feeling helpless. This is due Tuesday.

4 Replies

Hi  c1ory6,

One way you could solve your problem is to trace the shorelines of your respective maps as lines or polygon feature classes on the same geodatabase. This is very old school, but it works great, and is sometimes easier than the headaches and heartaches incurred by trying to get outdated software to work.

Make sure you use the same datum and projection, so that if you were to do analysis on them like acres lost, your math will be correct.

There are some lovely sea level rise interactive mappers available on the internet, too, to check your work. Here's one: 

I did a sea level rise project for one of my classes which I will share with you. I used DEMs (digital elevation models).

Good luck on your project.

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New Contributor

Hi, I have two Line Features depicting shoreline extracted from 2023 and 2024 satellite imagery. Now I need to measure the net change (acres eroded or accreted in the coast in the span of one year). What would be the way to do so in ArcGIS Pro?

Screenshot 2024-03-29 132520.png

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New Contributor

Hi CitiBunk, 

Were you able to over come this challenge?

I am having similar issue and need a solution if you could help. 

Thank you.

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Esri Contributor

Hi @c1ory6 ,

If you have access to the Change Detection toolset (through the Image Analyst license), you can perform a change detection.

The following documentation walks through the steps for doing this.

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