To pass the exam and earn my course certificate of completion in ESRI Traning "Sharing Maps and Layers with ArcGIS Pro", I must correctly answer 8 of the 10 questions. However, there is one question which choosing any option answered incorrectly. Please, help me choose the best correctly answer. Thanks!
An analyst is using ArcGIS Pro to work with web feature layers. Which two actions can the analyst take when publishing? (Choose two.)
Ethically I cannot provide the answer to this exam question but I do recommend reading the following ArcGIS Pro help documentation about Sharing a web layer. The answer is located in this URL Web Layer grouping and underlying pages. One of the best ways to learn and discover the answer is to publish a web layer from ArcGIS Pro! You'll find the answer doing the publishing as well!
this is a question of course traning free to practice, not exam. I try test chossing answer but not correctly, i attachment file above. Can the question incorrect? Please review help me. Thanks!