Hi, I have some layers which I can open (display) in ArcMap 10.8.1 but in ArcGIS Pro 3.0.4 they are only inserted as Standalone tables in the content pane (No features displayed).
Has anyone else experienced the same thing?
Are you certain they are shapefiles? Can you share the properties and source path? perhaps they were previous layers created in the MXD using 'Display XY data'.
If you can give more detail and possibly screenshots you'll get more and better answers.
Hi David,
The same layers work only if they are saved as MXD and then imported to ArcGIS Pro.
The problem is, those files are frequently updated in the server and the MXD in Pro is not affected by the update.
It does seem that you've had the layers previously as display XY data from tables. When the MXD is converted, Pro is likely converting them to features.
It looks like you're not getting much traction on this question with the details you've given so far, as I've said:
Are you certain they are shapefiles? Can you share the properties and source path? perhaps they were previous layers created in the MXD using 'Display XY data'.
If you can give more detail and possibly screenshots you'll get more and better answers.
Hi MokhtarDJ - I wonder if the point layer is being created using the Make XY Event Layer instead of Display XY data. The Make XY Event layer is used when the source data updates regularly and one wants to see the point data. If the *.mxd had this layer then it would make sense that on the import mxd into ArcGIS Pro that it would be a non-spatial/standalone table. I have not tested this yet.
is there a way to create an SDE Feature class that is updated from the view daily until to find why the view doesn't display its features?
You could create a model in ModelBuilder that starts with the Make XY Event Layer referenced in my earlier comment above and then use that output as the input for the Feature Class to Geodatabase GP command. Then you can schedule the model to run daily.