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Select ALL rows in Attribute Table (Pro)

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06-02-2021 08:07 AM
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Frequent Contributor

Title says it all!  In Desktop there was a select all option in drop down.  Not seeing that in Pro?  Seems peculiar...anybody have workarounds not involving sql queries?  Thanks!  Zach

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17 Replies
Frequent Contributor

Interesting.  I started up with my company a year ago and our licenses are sprawled out everywhere - I'm sure half are checked out but not used or barely used.  Something I want to clean up.  I'm branching off topic here, so I'll save a Question your response piqued for a later post - preview: floating licenses between occasional users.  That would be nice...Thanks Josh!

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New Contributor

Hi, @jcarlson ! I am having a similar problem, but in my case I just need to select a column from the attributes table so that I can access the properties of just that column and edit for example the thousand separator, as shown in the arcmap image. thanks in advance 

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Frequent Contributor

Hi @MuryelArantes - looks like you're on Desktop?  Follow these instructions:

1) Table of Contents (TOC) --> right click layer to change --> click (left) on Properties --> Click on Fields tab at top

2) highlight attribute for formatting change on left

3) open numeric properties

Click number format elipsis (...)Click number format elipsis (...)

4) Edit numeric properties

edit numeric propertiesedit numeric properties


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MVP Esteemed Contributor

curious as to why you need to select all.  All geoprocessing tools and processes work with all features unless there is a selection, so selecting all is the same as no selection.

... sort of retired...
Frequent Contributor

Hey Dan.  Now that you mention it - perhaps unnecessary?  Using Calculate Field and just a habit when I actually make a selection (not ALL).  

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MVP Esteemed Contributor

It is not needed... All tools honor selections and if none are selected all are used... try it 

... sort of retired...
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Occasional Contributor

To select all features in ArcPro, and thus all rows of the attribute table, right-click on the layer in the Contents Pane, then under Selection you will find Select All.

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