Attribute Table: Select all records

11-24-2022 03:14 PM
Status: Open
Labels (1)
Esteemed Contributor

If I understand correctly, there isn't a button in the Attribute Table in ArcGIS Pro for Selecting All Records.

We can select all records by hitting the Switch Selection button, when no records are selected, which will select all records. But that's not very user-friendly; it took me a while to figure out how to do that.

I think it would be better if there were a straightforward Select All Records button or menu option. Similar to what we have in ArcMap:



ArcGIS Pro 3.0.2


of add CTRL-A to the CTRL-U on the switch selection button

Keyboard shortcuts

Keyboard shortcuts for working with tables—ArcGIS Pro | Documentation

in the Select in the table section


Thanks Dan, but I agree, it should be upfront.



There is a "Select All" button, but it could be more obvious and user friendly.


Recognize Button 1? It's the same as in Excel, except for the annoying fact that you have to press Shift while clicking it to select all rows.

I guess they did it that way because it has a second mode: Ctrl clicking it will switch the selection.


So in my opinion, the Idea should be "Make this button Select All without keyboard modifier, and maybe give it a tooltip."



For completeness, Here are some ways to select all rows

  • Ctrl + A
  • Shift + Button 1
  • If no rows are selected yet, you can switch the selection
    • Button 2
    • Ctrl + U
    • Ctrl + Button 1
  • While it is very slow compared to the other options, you can also use Select By Attributes with a true statement like "1 = 1" or "ObjectID = ObjectID"