Is there a tool for finding the majority type by area for a polygon bounded by another polygon layer. Like a 'zonal statistics as table' tool can do for a raster bounded by a polygon? I have tried:
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Zonal Statistics as Table (Spatial Analyst)—ArcGIS Pro | Documentation
When the value input is integer, all of the statistics (Mean, Majority, Maximum, Median, Minimum, Minority, Percentile, Range, Standard deviation, Sum, and Variety) are available for calculation.
If you have a floating point raster then majority and a few others aren't available... you could scale and "int" the raster in that case to get integers if you don't mind the data reduction.
One other option might be
Tabulate Area (Spatial Analyst)—ArcGIS Pro | Documentation
but it would be raster and raster and would only give your areas
On a side note, your ovals suggest you are using a Web Mercator coordinate system for your map (and perhaps your data). If that is the case, it is not recommended that you use it for anything that might entail distance, area, etc calculations. Switch to an equal area projected coordinate system or a compromise coordinate system (like UTM etc)
Zonal Statistics as Table (Spatial Analyst)—ArcGIS Pro | Documentation
When the value input is integer, all of the statistics (Mean, Majority, Maximum, Median, Minimum, Minority, Percentile, Range, Standard deviation, Sum, and Variety) are available for calculation.
If you have a floating point raster then majority and a few others aren't available... you could scale and "int" the raster in that case to get integers if you don't mind the data reduction.
One other option might be
Tabulate Area (Spatial Analyst)—ArcGIS Pro | Documentation
but it would be raster and raster and would only give your areas
On a side note, your ovals suggest you are using a Web Mercator coordinate system for your map (and perhaps your data). If that is the case, it is not recommended that you use it for anything that might entail distance, area, etc calculations. Switch to an equal area projected coordinate system or a compromise coordinate system (like UTM etc)
Set the 'map' to the Albers projection.
Or better still, open a new map without any basemap or other data. Add a projected featureclass that you want to use (UTM, albers etc). The first layer sets the coordinate system of the map. Then check the map properties to ensure it is so
ok I will try that but it is sort of what I did here. I started a new map with no basemap and added the first layer (Albers). The second layer came in with Web Mercator and did not adapt to the first layer...
By set the map to Albers (your first suggestion) does that mean use the 'Projections and Transformations tool' or 'define projection tool'? If use define projection and change from Web Merc. to Albers it it puts the area off the coast of Australia
Right-click on the map's name in the table of contents
Select Properties from the popup
Select Coordinate System... make sure it is set to what you want. In my example, it was set by the first layer I added to the map.
Projections and Transformations, Project tool is only used when you want a version of a featureclass in a new coordinate system.
Define Projection.... NEVER use it unless you have a data source that has an Unknown coordinate system.
Telling something it is something when it is not something is just plain wrong and confusing 😉
Got it. I can't thank you enough. I get confused between Coordinate System and Projection. Much thanks.