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Rubbersheeting (Spatial Adjustment) License in ArcGIS Pro

04-24-2018 01:05 PM
Regular Contributor

My company's software is an ArcGIS Desktop extension which uses Spatial Adjustment (Conflation toolset) functionality (specifically rubbersheeting) extensively.  We, and many of our customers, have a Standard ArcGIS license which provides access to this toolset in Desktop.  We are now working on transitioning to ArcGIS Pro and it appears that you must have an Advanced license to access the same functionality in Pro.  Does anyone know what is going on with this?  I.e., is it going to stay this way?  It's pretty difficult to move to Pro (as ESRI is pushing everyone to do) if you can't access the tools that you need.

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14 Replies
Regular Contributor

Oh wait!  Yes there are, but I don't see rubbersheeting.  Will have to keep looking.

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Regular Contributor

Interestingly I just noticed that I can't access those tools directly from the toolbox, but I can access those functions via the Spatial Adjustment toolbar - which is what I've always used.

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Esri Community Moderator

Hi Karen,

I picked up on this thread and checked in with our development team in hopes that we can bring some clarity.

In terms of the licensing, as pointed out in the above comments, the geoprocessing tools are licensed the same in ArcMap as ArcGIS Pro.  Meaning that the question becomes, when will all of the Spatial Adjustment editing commands be available in ArcGIS Pro?

At Pro 1.0, we added the Transform tool that supports similarity (2D/3D) and affine transformation methods and support for importing ArcMap link files. For the near term, we are planning on adding rubbersheeting capabilities (most likely as it’s own tool) and the Attribute Transfer tool. Near-term means in the next couple of releases so given that the development work for Pro 2.2 is nearly complete, these capabilities will likely be coming for either 2.3 or 2.4.

Edge matching would be the final tool that would round out the Spatial Adjustment toolbar and that is slated to come after rubbersheeting and attribute transfer.  

I'm sure this comment will come to you as good news and bad news.  The good news is that licensing requirements haven't changed between ArcMap and ArcGIS Pro, and more good news is that the capabilities of the ArcMap Spatial Adjustment toolbar will be coming to ArcGIS Pro.  They just aren't in there yet (that's the bad news).

I hope this info helps.

Regular Contributor

Hi Kory,

Thanks for the response - that is very helpful!  So just to clarify, the Spatial Adjustment toolbar tools (Transform tool in Pro) are available to all license levels, including Rubbersheeting once it's added in 2.3 or 2.4?


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Esri Community Moderator

Yes.  The editing "tools" (commands):

The geoprocessing tools in the Conflation toolset continue to require an Advanced license just as in ArcMap.