hello all,
I'm trying to do some analysis on a river stream network involving the RCI. I would like to go through the stream network one cell at a time, create a new raster containing just the cell in the loop (r, c) and afterwards analyse the stream network downstream of the cell (r,c) using Optimal Path to obtain the mean Curve Number value of this downstream leg. But I can't get the first bit to work (script attached) . The script runs through but each new network raster containing a single cell are all the same. They should all be different, a single cell in each raster but each in a different location following the (r,c) loop.
Any ideas please? Is what I want possible with the RCI?
many thanks, Rob
I'm using ArcGIS Pro 2.8.1 on accessed remotely.
Hi Rob,
This is Noman from the Spatial Analyst Team from Esri. I would be more than happy to discuss the workflow with you. Your description mentions a script, but I did not notice any attachment. Can you please attach the script or post the code so that I can understand the workflow and the issue better?