When I prefer a raster dataset to include an Attribute Table, I need to create an Integer version of this first (using the Int tool). That's fine, and I understand why. ...However, sometimes this goes ahead and creates the Attribute Table, as well; whereas other times I have to take the next step and Build an Attribute Table using that tool.
...Can anyone explain why sometimes I do, and sometimes I don't?
In addition, I notice that sometimes the added field is named 'Value', and other times it's 'gridcode'.
Solved! Go to Solution.
Keep track of the physical size, bit type and raster type (esri grid, gdb raster, tif, img etc) to see which one requires you to build a raster table
gridcode is usually associated with
Raster to Polygon (Conversion)—ArcGIS Pro | Documentation
so again what type of raster directly results in gridcode (esri grid?) being in the raster attribute table
Keep track of the physical size, bit type and raster type (esri grid, gdb raster, tif, img etc) to see which one requires you to build a raster table
gridcode is usually associated with
Raster to Polygon (Conversion)—ArcGIS Pro | Documentation
so again what type of raster directly results in gridcode (esri grid?) being in the raster attribute table
I have not been able to find a pattern either but I agree that it is highly unnecessary and causes complications. I would love it if there was an option to specify int in tool outputs so that I don't have to create extra rasters simply to have access to an attribute table.