We are experiencing an enterprise wide (300+ users) issue with Pro the past few days. We are receiving the attached error (An unknown error has occurred. Contact your administrator to check that the license manager is running with valid licenses).
I am the admin, and I have check all licenses in Portal, and as well in License Manager. Everything seems to be running well. The last time we had this issue (2 weeks ago) it was only some users and we noted that the Authorization URL and HomeServer URL in the registry editor had been reset. Changing those back to our enterprise portal URL fixed the issue for the couple of users that experienced it.
The issue is now more wide spread, with the same error. However the URL files in the RegEd are as they should be. So I can't use the same fix as last time, and doing it 300+ times on everyone's computer would be ridiculous.
This also seems to be coincidental timing as our sys admins pushed a new windows update to all the computer's Sunday night, and then we started having issues Monday morning with ArcGIS Pro.
Anyone having similar issues? We are at a stand still. I have a ticket open with ESRI but haven't heard back. Trying to find a fix in the mean time.
Hola, nosotros tenemos un problema similar creo mas encaminado en por donde falla https://community.esri.com/t5/arcgis-pro-questions/arcgis-license-manager-2022-0-wrong-hostid-on/m-p...
Te consulto para ayudarte con el tuyo, que version de lisence manager utilizan y sobre que sistema operativo, si podes anda a diagnostico y luego de ejecutarlo fijate que podes abrir el arhivo de log si podes suma cualquier error que te indique ahí.
Anibal Martinez
Telecom Argentina
We received error:
'An unknown error has occured. Contact your administrator to check that the license manager is running with valid licences'.
This error can show up in License Manager 2023 (our case) if the Mac Address of the License Manager machine changes.
The alternative was to recreate the .json license file with the right Mac Address and reload it to LM and Portal. Problem solved if that is the error.