"Snap" Geoprocessing Tool not working

12-13-2023 10:42 AM
Occasional Contributor II

I am having no luck getting the "Snap" GP tool to snap my TaxCodes layer to the Parcel layer. I feel like I've tried everything, but that must not be the case. I am using an export of the TaxCodes in a fgdb and the Parcels in sde. The TaxCode layer is on, selectable, and editable. All layers are in the same NAD 1983 StatePlane Illinois West FIPS 1202 (US Feet) projection. I have selected TaxCodes in the tool and Parcels / Edge / 2 US Survey Feet in snapping envionment. I run the tool and nothing happens. I tried with nothing selected, just the input selected, and both input and snapping environment layer selected. Then I exported the Parcels to the same fgdb and tried that with no luck. I have even asked Chat GPT and followed all instructions there to no avail. What am I doing wrong?

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2 Replies
Esri Contributor

Hi @RobertHursey ,

Can you confirm that Snapping is enabled for those layers? https://pro.arcgis.com/en/pro-app/latest/help/editing/disable-snapping-for-a-layer.htm

What are the parameters you have set for snapping? For example, the snapping distance or the snapping type (such as to a vertex or an edge)... More information on the snapping tool parameters can be found here: https://pro.arcgis.com/en/pro-app/3.1/tool-reference/editing/snap.htm

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Occasional Contributor II

Hi Hillary. Thank you for the quick reply! Yes, all layers are enabled for snapping.  See parameters and editor settings below.  Also, I am able to use Reshape and Split with the Trace tool just fine.




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