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"Notebook not found" Initializing Kernel ArcGIS Pro 3.4

5 hours ago
Frequent Contributor

This is a recent error I have been getting whenever I try an open a notebook in ArcGIS Pro after I updated to 3.4.

To resolve my error, I uninstalled Pro along with removing all data in C:\user\AppData-Local and Roaming.

I reinstalled ArcGIS Pro and left it in its previous version 3.3.x and now have no issues.

Curious if anyone else is having issues, I am nervous to update my version to 3.4 again, even after starting on a clean slate.



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1 Reply
Esri Regular Contributor

Hey Nick,

I had a similiar issue and resolved it by moving my notebooks to a new directory within my users folder. 


There might be a few red herrings on this. The error message you receive make it appear that something is blocking the notebook from running on Localhost or against port 8888.

If you do encounter any further problems on this then would recommend raising a Support Case. We have seen this error before but seems all currently reported instances of it are resolved by clearing the AppData directory as you have done.


Hope that helps,


Esri UK -Technical Support Analyst
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