I've been working with the new Spatial Join that apparently no longer does "merge rule" summaries.
Wanting a join count and other summary statistics, I followed the process one would use in QGIS:
Spatial Join as one-to-many, then run Summary Statistics to count and otherwise summarize fields per case field entry. Worked great.
Next step would be to re-join the Summary Statistics table back on to the original FC and then Data >Export Features that result.
The Add Join works, but the Exported output weirdly and stubbornly omits the Frequency and other calculated summary fields.
Worse, there seems to be a way to add them, using the Fields drop-down in the Export Features tool, but Add is greyed-out.

I am a bit suspicious about that harder grey line between my join key field (ADMIN_NAME) and the frequency fields. Why in the world would I not be allowed to export this feature class with its legit joined fields?
Project Package: https://yalemaps.maps.arcgis.com/home/item.html?id=21f7e990d9dd454a87cb7bff2320b2d0
video demo of the problem: