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Projections: The Layer with the wrong projection/coordinate system fits better than the one with the same as the Map

05-30-2023 11:58 AM
New Contributor

Hello esri community!

It's been a while since I worked with Arcgis Pro so I apologize for this probably dumb question.

I added the boundaries of the registration dristricts of the town Salzburg, Austria to my map (I downloaded them from My Map has "MGI Austria GK 31" as its coordinate system. The registration districts layer had WGS 1984. I changed it to the same as my map but it doesn't fit as good as the WGS 1984 (please see the screenshots added)

So, I could just stay with the WGS 1984 projection since it fits pretty perfectly but I want to know how it's possible that it fits better than with the same projection as the current map? I will add a lot more layers so I need to understand how to proper work with them.

I hope you understand my issue! It would be really helpful if someone has an idea 🙂

Thank you,

best regards Olivia









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1 Reply
Occasional Contributor

Hello Olivia, In most cases ArcGIS Pro will reproject data, of known / identified coordinate systems, on the fly; meaning it will automatically project layers to match the map coordinate system. So, as long as the data's coordinate system and projection are correctly identified, there is no need to reproject through geoprocessing. Here is some more information: Coordinate systems, map projections, and transformations—ArcGIS Pro | Documentation

Hope that helps.

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