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Projecting and Changing the Cell Size on Multidimensional Datasets

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I am currently working on a project to create crop suitability maps using projected future climate data in the form of a NetCDF file.

The NetCDF (.CDF) files are for Temperature and Precipitation and are multidimensional with time slots and different variables like Max and Min. I also have the option of using a Cloud Raster File (.CRF) of the same dataset.

The other variables we consider include drainage class, soil texture, and soil depth, among others. The resulting layers we want should be at a 30 x 30 meter pixel size with a specific coordinate system.
I can reproject and change the cell size just fine on the soil layers, however doing that with the multidimensional layers is proven to be difficult. I have to export each layer one-on-one to a .TIFF file then reproject them. This is very time consuming. 
Is there anyway I could possibly reproject and change the cell size for a .CRF or .CDF file without exporting them? I am currently using ArcGIS Desktop mainly for my project but I have access to Pro. I tried it on Pro and still unfortunately had no luck. 
I can't seem to find the solution anywhere. I would greatly  appreciate any leads! 
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1 Reply
Occasional Contributor II

Hi HananAli!

Dealing with different kinds of data files can be challenging for people and machines.

Here's a help page with some useful information for processing netCDF files:

This will help you on your journey. Keep us posted!

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