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Problems with dynamic text on reports

01-29-2024 08:33 AM
Emerging Contributor

I'm working on a report and am trying to create a sum of all the total culvert lengths. Whenever I try to input "sum" or "field-sum" in the dynamic text it shows up as nothing when the report is exported. When I tried to "update the statistic", only count, max, and min were the options so there was no sum option. The number format is numeric on the field itself so I'm just confused on what is happening and would appreciate any help! 


Then the second problem I'm running into is one of my field values not populating the field when the report is exported. I have it tagged multiple times on the report and it'll populate one of the fields then not do anything for the other one. Screenshots provided

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7 Replies
Esri Contributor

Hi @RoadAndBridgeGISAdmin,

There are two bugs here that we unfortunately introduced into 3.2 (plan on patching, don't worry).

1. This was just completely our fault. We have it fixed in our 3.3 dev builds, so we will get it patched. 

A workaround would be manually editing the tags, which seems like you've already done? It looks correct. Can you confirm the data exists? If it's <Null>, we won't return a number. If you change it to "field-count", does anything export?

2. Multiple dynamic text values in one text element are not exporting correctly

The workaround for this is to make individual text elements for each value until we can get this patched.




Emerging Contributor

1. I can confirm that the data is there and there are no <NULL> fields. After changing and exporting, it does show the field count.

2. Okay, I'll try this. Thank you!

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Emerging Contributor

2. I tried making individual text elements for them in the group footer but the fields aren't inputting. I have "Materials: <dyn type="report" property="field-value" field="Material"/>" in the group header (which is inputting the material field) and then I have the same thing in the group footer but it's not inputting.

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Frequent Contributor

I'm no expert, but I'm pretty sure you can only have one dynamic element per text box.

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Esri Contributor

Hi @AngelaSchirck,

It was very much possible in 3.1! I have used it this way many times. We just introduced a bug in 3.2.

@RoadAndBridgeGISAdmin--can you email me?


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Frequent Contributor

ah, I'm using 3.2 

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Regular Contributor

BUMP- having the same issue with Dynamic text in the header. Works fine in the Details and footer portion, but not in the header.

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