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Power Lines nodes

08-09-2023 09:02 AM
Labels (3)
Emerging Contributor


I have a question, I have classified LiDAR data. One of these classifications is electrical poles and wiring. What I need to do is to create a single node or point for each pole that is present in the LiDAR data. Is there any method to expedite this process and avoid having to go through each pole manually?

Thanks for your help.

2 Replies
MVP Notable Contributor

I think you need to add more information to your question (don't just add it as a reply to me). I'm assuming you have hundreds of lidar points that capture a pole? If not what is it you have? If it is a load of points in 3d space where do you want your single pole point to be? At the top, middle or bottom of the point cloud?

Emerging Contributor

Yes, I have a large group of 3D points that captured electrical poles, which can be extracted based on the layer number so with that, only the poles remain. The point or node must be placed for the 2D localization of these, that is, bottom of the cloud points to determine their coordinates in a non-manual way.

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