I am exporting a map layout to .jpg and the colours are completely changing on export. It is probably important to note a couple things. I am using Layer Blend - "Exclusion" - and 25% transparency. My layout view shows the colours I want (purple) but they export as green??? Also the greenish colours appear in map view but not the purple in layout view ..... mind explode. See attached. Why is this happening? Isn't a .jpg just basically a screen shot of what I see on the screen in front of me?
try png, it has better options and control
Export to PNG—ArcGIS Pro | Documentation
Hi Justin
Can you share the screenshot of the layout setting when you export to jpg make sure in jpeg setting color depth is set to 24bit true color as shown in picture below:
I do have these exact settings. Based on Dan's message above I explored .png more and was able to get the right image. It involved making sure all layers had the same transparency and the same layer blend settings. Thanks for both of your input.