Hello everyone,
I hope you are very well.
Please, I have a question.
How to create a soil-type surface from a few borehole points. These points include many properties of the local soil. I need to know which spatial analyst tools I can use and it will be useful to me to create such a surface.
Could you please answer me?
Thank you in advance.
Please, I need your help.
Interpolation ... is an option if you have enough points and they are spread out well spatially
Comparing interpolation methods—ArcGIS Pro | Documentation
a "few" boreholes? How many and their spatial pattern need to be addressed prior to venturing off on the need to produce a map
Thank you very much, @DanPatterson for your reply 💕
Hi Nada,
Generally, I would look through the Spatial Analyst and 3D Analyst tool boxes as they have a few different ways to convert points to polygons and rasters if you have that licensing available. https://pro.arcgis.com/en/pro-app/3.0/tool-reference/spatial-analyst/an-overview-of-the-surface-tool...
Or another tool is Thiessen polygons https://pro.arcgis.com/en/pro-app/latest/tool-reference/analysis/create-thiessen-polygons.htm
Not sure if this helps but it might be a good starting point. Good luck,
Thank you very much,@RiannaBoyle for your reply 💕